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Rational Emotive behavioral Therapy

What Is REBT?

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) applies many of the same approaches to examining the root causes of specific behaviors and beliefs. In this form of psychotherapy, an REBT therapist will help the client focus on the present time, examining current emotional distress or unhealthy behaviors. Then, the therapist will guide the client through an examination of emotions and beliefs, which may have led to these behaviors and had a negative impact on life. For example, a person with negative core beliefs about their work may suffer from depression or anxiety. Once these beliefs are identified, and it is understood how they turned into actions, the therapist and client work together to replace the negative behaviors with positive behaviors.

Applying REBT To Alcohol, Drug And In Other Non-Constructive Behavioral Addiction Treatment And Recovery By House Of Freedom And Team

REBT can be applied to many forms of substance abuse treatment, including alcohol dependence or alcohol use disorder. Depression and anxiety are both closely associated with alcohol abuse, often in people who abuse the intoxicating substance to self-medicate the symptoms – including thoughts, emotions, and behaviors – of their mood disorder. The Varnik reported that, in 10.5% of the deaths due to suicide in the INDIA, the individual’s blood alcohol content (BAC) was at the legal limit of 0.08 or higher; also among those who died due to suicide, 80% struggled with major depression. This suggests that alcohol abuse makes symptoms of depression worse.

When in House of Freedom, REBT approaches can be used to help the individual challenge their negative approach to stress. Rather than turning to alcohol to alleviate daily stresses like work or child-rearing, many therapists work with those overcoming alcohol abuse to understand that stress is a normal reaction, and the associated discomfort is normal. It will go away on its own, and it does not need to be suppressed, managed by others, or judged. This form of therapy may help one during detox, too, because the discomfort of some withdrawal symptoms can be acknowledged and accepted rather than worried about, leading to increased stress.